Inventors Association of New England IANE

Monday, November 20, 2006

Last week's Wall St Journal Article

Pen Maker Struggles
With Too Much Demand
Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal.
From The Wall Street Journal Online

What happens when Walmart calls with a huge order for your product and you are a 5 person operation? Read the story at:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Design News article from Oct 23

Here is a link to the article in October 23rd's edition of Design News
by Joseph Ogando, Senior Editor
These Toy Engineers Don't Play Around

"Creata, the biggest toy maker you've never heard of . . . designs about 1,500 distinct products every year. It then manufactures and distributes those products for an annual production volume of more than 1 billion units per year."

Big Idea Group Hunts

The Big Idea Group is sponsoring 2 more hunts

The A.M. Commuter Beverage Hunt
"One of the country’s largest food and beverage company has enlisted BIG’s Food Inventors Network to generate ideas for innovative commuter breakfast beverages. Specifically, they’re seeking drinks that will appeal to men 20 and older who commute. This new breakfast-on-the-go should be tasty, nutritious, and easy to consume during the average commute. The drink could be an extension of one of our client’s existing brands or, more likely, a new product line. In addition to seeking the product, they want your thoughts on packaging, marketing, and distribution. Best ideas will be considered for licensing, and the top 30 ideas will receive prizes. Deadline for this Hunt is December 13th."

Background on Client and Project Background-
Invention Guidelines -
Submission Guide -
Entry Agreement -
Submission Sample -
Examples from Hunt Guidelines -
Deadline: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bra Fastener & Adjuster Idea Hunt
"A major intimate apparel company that sells mainly in the European market is seeking innovative bra fasteners and adjusters. They're looking for new concepts that help a woman fasten and adjust her bra quickly and securely, without sacrificing looks, comfort, durability, or
convenience. Best concepts will be considered for licensing. "
Insights and Guidelines -
Entry Agreement -
Deadline: Wednesday, December 6, 2006

For more information about Big Idea Hunts see
For more information about the Big Idea see

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Staples Invention Quest - Enter by Nov 27, 2006

It's that time again.
Staples is having their Invention Quest.

They have 3 divisions and the winner in each will receive $25,000.

Invention Quest - for inventors aged 19 and over
Invention Quest Kids - for inventors 18 and younger
Invention Quest Associates - for Staples Associates

You can check out their website at: Also: take a peek at past winners and their items:

Sarah Pantaleo - invented Spindex™ disc dividers help keep your CDs and DVDs organized while saving space.

Beth Andria invented FrameWorx™ A dry-erase/bulletin board that surrounds your monitor and helps keep reminders always within reach.

Todd Basche invented WordLock™ The easy-to-remember combination lock that lets you choose from more than 10,000 words.

Eric Gibbons invented DigiDots™, media storage that can be put practically anywhere.

Mark Johnson invented DigiFiles™ way to organize and store your media just like traditional manila folders.

Rene Santiago invented ShowCards™, colorful, customizable business card display kits see all the products and winners at: